Rebecca Marttila

My name is Rebecca Marttila, and I am excited to earn your confidence as a candidate for the Board of the Roxborough Water and Sanitation District.
I love living here in Roxborough, which I do with my husband and 3 children; all of whom attend Douglas County Schools. My husband is in construction and his family has been in Colorado for three generations. I came to Colorado by choice. Nowhere else in this country offers the beauty of the mountains, the friendliness of our community, and the effectiveness and bipartisanship that is so rarely found today.
I am a Managing Director at a global services firm and have a Masters in Public Health from John’s Hopkins. Through my career I have developed and managed multi-million dollar transformations that drove 20-30% reductions in cost while improving service to customers. I have delivered utility operations and infrastructure programs, and hundreds of large scale commercial energy infrastructure projects. I have built and delivered environmental sustainability programs for Fortune 50 organizations. My work has reduced waste, driven energy and water efficiency and lowered budgets.
Because I love our community and the rich agricultural and natural history of the state of Colorado; I am concerned about the increasing interest by developers in diverting water resources for profit; putting the future of clean and sustainable water resources for our families, and the native way of life in our great state, at risk. We don’t need more development. We need to protect the safety, availability and affordability of the natural resources we have been gifted by this beautiful place we call home.
I hope you’ll consider me for a Board seat. I would be honored to serve.