John Kim

Professional Background – John Kim
Mr. Kim currently serves on the Board of Roxborough Water & Sanitation District (RWSD). Some of the milestones achieved during Mr. Kim's current tenure as a Board Member are: (a) RWSD reviewed its treasury relationships and negotiated new terms, earning millions of dollars in interest, (b) with the guidance/direction of RWSD, Dominion Water and Sanitation addressed the noxious odor issues, which is now being closely monitored, (c) successfully transitioned to the new Manager, Mike Marcum, after the tragic loss of the prior Manager, (d) made significant upgrades to RWSD's infrastructure to insure reliable services and safe water and (e) conducted an audit of its existing water resources with the goal of developing a consistent policy for new requests for service for a very limited resource.
Mr. Kim is passionate about Colorado and the future of its communities. He understands how important water and sanitation is to growing communities. Mr. Kim has worked for years on the complicated issues and challenges related to water in the Front Range. He knows that water and proper sanitation is the life blood for not only safe and thriving communities, but that water is crucial to maintain the quality of life and value of your homes. Mr. Kim is dedicated to making sure our communities have the resources, including water and sanitation, for our future.
Mr. Kim has over 25 years of successful real estate and private equity transactional experience. Mr. Kim is also a principal of Zeppelin Partners, which is focused on natural resource, cattle ranching, agricultural, water and infrastructure development. In addition, Mr. Kim was a successful attorney counseling businesses on complicated transactional and financial matters. Mr. Kim and his wife, Susi, live right next to Waterton Canyon, with their cocker-poo Tate. Tate diligently guards their home from deer and squirrels. Mr. Kim raised his family in Douglas County, including two amazing children who are now about to start their own families. Mr. Kim is an avid fly fisherman, snowboarder and outdoors man.