Fran Santagata

Fran, her husband Michael and Akitas Rocky & Nikka are 20 year residents of the Roxborough community. As my bio below demonstrates, I have a passion for protecting the critical infrastructure of our community. Part of this passion includes serving my local community using the skills and knowledge I have acquired throughout my long career to ensure that we are safe and prepared for the risks and hazards that may impact our community including our critical water supply.
My current involvement in the Roxborough community & other community service organizations includes:
· Chairperson, One Roxborough community group
· Roxborough Mitigation Committee, member
· Douglas County Wildfire Action Collaborative, member
· CU School of Public Health, Dean’s Advisory Board, member
· Shaka Franklin Foundation for Youth (SFFY), volunteer strategic planner. SFFY is a resource for our community to promote youth mental wellness as a means of suicide prevention. SFFY provides scholarships that promote advancement in mental health careers; help secure mental health services for those impacted by suicide and mental health crises; and offer opportunities for community engagement to raise awareness and crisis intervention.
Newly retired, she previously served as the Regulatory Analyst within the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security (CISA), Region 8 which focuses on securing the nation’s critical infrastructure (including water & water treatment facilities). This position is located within the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program (CFATS).
In addition to her regular duties, she was on detail with the US DHS Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate (CWMD) providing support and expertise to both the Secure the Cities (STC) program and the Chemical Coordination Group.
Previously, she served as the Preparedness Program Manager for the State of Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM).
As a focus of her duties at DHSEM, Fran led the Preventative Radiological Nuclear Detection (PRND) Program for the State of Colorado. She worked directly with the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) starting in May 2014 to develop this program from the ground up.
Fran served as the Colorado Emergency Planning Committee’s (CEPC) liaison to LEPCs, providing technical support and assistance to LEPCs related to hazardous materials preparedness (including water treatment facilities).
Other previous positions included:
- Director of Emergency Management for Douglas County.
- Program Administrator for the Denver Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
- Governor’s Special Assistant, Homeland Security and All Hazards Coordinator
- Preparedness Officer for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Senior Program Analyst at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Readiness & Response Division.
- Safety Officer/Emergency Manager for University of Colorado Hospital in Denver/Aurora (now UCHealth),
- Administrative Officer for the Colorado Disaster Medical Response Team/ National Medical Response Team (DMAT/NMRT).
Fran’s medical background includes: Medical Technologist (15 years), Exercise Physiologist (11 years), and EMT-B (5 years).
Fran has responded to numerous disasters in her various positions including: Katrina (Operation Safehaven), Columbine, numerous wildfires in both response & recovery modes, the 2012 Fires in Colorado, the 2013 Floods, 2010 Pandemic Flu, HAZMAT releases and numerous blizzards, and COVID.
Fran is an avid runner and outdoor enthusiast who will focus on maintaining sustainable, high-quality water, and addressing threats, vulnerabilities and issues within our system.